I'm much excited to kick off 2010 with the Peoria Supershoots event. This has been one of those pillar events that I can't imagine missing. The amount of information that is shared within one studio over two days is practically endless. It would be rather difficult to walk away without learning and improving your skills.
The environment is relaxed with music and drinks and many people with different backgrounds in photography. There are 6+ studio setups where you may work in and alter. If you don't know how, there will be several mentors there to help you along in setting up and metering many different lighting setups.
I happen to be a mentor at this event, so if you would want to work together, come, and make it happen.
This is Lauren being professional, rocking the camera, and looking amazing as she always does. Thanks girl!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Photography Workshop - Peoria, Illinois 2010
0 lights - Natural Light,